Question: What do you call someone with histrionic personality?

What personality type is histrionic?

A histrionic personality disorder, or commonly known as a dramatic personality disorder, is a psychiatric disorder distinguished by a pattern of exaggerated emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. A histrionic personality disorder is categorized within the Cluster B of personality disorders.

What is histrionic personality disorder called now?

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is part of a larger group of psychological disorders, called “Cluster B” personality disorders. Disorders in this category are generally categorized as being dramatic, emotional, or erratic. People with HPD have a distorted mental image of themselves.

How do you address histrionic personality disorder?

Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is generally the treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder. The goal of treatment is to help the individual uncover the motivations and fears associated with their thoughts and behavior, and to help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive way.

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