Question: Is it worth it to pay for OkCupid?

Its also likely not worth paying for OkCupid if you dont log on very often. Instead of paying a monthly fee for a dating site you dont have time to check frequently, spend the money on a dating service instead. Youll go on dates with interesting, attractive people without the hassle of having to find them yourself.

Should I get OkCupid?

OkCupid is the perfect happy medium that you might have thought didnt exist. Its ideal for people who dont want anything to do with mindless swiping apps, but who also dont want to feel like theyre desperately looking for marriage.

How expensive is OkCupid?

OkCupid Membership CostMembership TypeMembership LengthMembership CostBasic1 month$11.99Basic3 months$7.99 monthlyBasic6 months$5.99 monthlyPremium1 month$39.995 more rows

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