Question: What is a PoPo?

But one of the most popular slang terms for the local police today is “popo”. The word has its origins in 1980s southern California, where T-shirts bearing “PO” (“police officer”) worn by cops on bicycles would, with officers riding in pairs, spell out “POPO”.

What does PoPo mean in police terms?

Watch this playlist on YouTube. CRS 18-12-108 is the Colorado statute that prohibits possession of a weapon by a previous offender, commonly abbreviated as POWPO. This offense occurs when a convicted felon knowingly possesses, uses or carries a firearm or other prohibited weapon.

What does Po Po mean in Chinese?

pópo. *婆婆* | 婆婆* | *婆婆 husbands mother / mother-in-law / grandma.

Is Popo a slang word?

But one of the most popular slang terms for the local police today is “popo”. The word has its origins in 1980s southern California, where T-shirts bearing “PO” (“police officer”) worn by cops on bicycles would, with officers riding in pairs, spell out “POPO”.

Is Po a Chinese name?

Po is a common last name found among Overseas Chinese communities around the world. In fact, Po is the transliteration of several different Chinese surnames. Its meaning varies depending on how it is spelled in Chinese, and which dialect it is pronounced in.

What is the Cantonese word for grandfather?

Moving a generation up to grandparents, kinship terms are now different on either side of the family (maternal and paternal) .Grandparents and Great-Grandparents.EnglishCantoneseMaternal Great-grandfather太公 [taai3 gung1]7 more rows•26 Jan 2019

Why do police touch your tail lights?

Police need to be able to examine a vehicle quickly before approaching it, and touching/tapping a tail light can tell cops a lot about the person being pulled over. For instance, this tactic can give the officer an idea of the drivers mental state.

What does the fuzz mean?

the police old-fashioned slang. : the police He was arrested by the fuzz.

What name is Po short for?

AcronymDefinitionPOPost OfficePOPurchase OrderPOPetty Officer (military rank)POPissed Off94 more rows

What does oogway mean in Chinese?

Oogway – Mandarin word for turtle (wūguī)?

What does gung gung mean?

Noun. grandfather; grandpa (Cantonese) specifically maternal grandfather (Gan) specifically paternal grandfather. The paternal grandfather (in this case Lukes Dads Dad) comes from the Gan Chinese meaning. Gung Gung (Gan) = paternal Grandfather Gung gan Gungan.

What does Ah Ma mean in Chinese?

grandmother In China. In Chinese, amah (grandmother) is often used as an equivalent of the English word nanny—the term does not refer to a wet nurse or a servant, but rather a friend who helps a family to raise a child. This is a common occupation in China. Amah is the Mosuo term for mother.

Is Mr. Popo the strongest?

Popo is stronger than Cell, then that makes him third in line to the most powerful being in the seventh Universe (Barring Whis and the newly risen Goku and friends.) This means that every threat that came to earth before Majin Buu would have been nothing for Popo to handle.

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