Question: Whats the point of Beauty and the Geek?

During the competition, the contestants live in a mansion and compete in a series of challenges, with the beauties competing in challenges of intellect, and the geeks competing in challenges involving social ability.

Are Kiran and Bryanna still together?

Short answer is: we are friends,” Kiran wrote. “I value my continual friendship with Bryanna and we talk every day. Bryanna is extremely important to me and has been for the last several months. However, and some people may be disappointed to learn this, we are currently not dating.”

Who wins Beauty and the Geek Season 4?

Challenges and eliminationsWeekBeauty Challenge (Winner)Geek Challenge (Winner)4Math (Lauren)Get Girls Phone Numbers (Chuck)5Outdoor Challenge (Caitilin & Chuck)6How much do you know about your partner (Caitilin & Chuck)WinnersCaitilin & Chuck3 more rows

Who won Beauty & the Geek 2021?

Lachlan and Kiera won Beauty and the Geek walking away with $100,000, with the episode aired on Channel Nine and 9Now.

How old is Ashley from Beauty and the Geek?

31-year-old Poised, sweet and super happy are all the traits 31-year-old Ashleigh and a Disney princess have in common.

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