Question: How is the estimated due date for a baby determined?

An estimated due date can be calculated by following steps 1 through 3: First, determine the first day of your last menstrual period. Next, count back 3 calendar months from that date. Lastly, add 1 year and 7 days to that date.

How is the due date of a baby determined?

The most common way to calculate your due date is to start with the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Add 7 days, and then count backward 3 months. For example, if your last period started on March 20, you would add 7 days to get March 27. Then subtract 3 months to get a due date of December 27.

How accurate is due date based on ultrasound?

The earlier the ultrasound is done, the more accurate it is at estimating the babys due date. Ultrasounds performed during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are generally within 3 - 5 days of accuracy. The most accurate time is between 8 and 11 weeks gestation.

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