Question: What parts of New Orleans should I avoid?

Neighborhoods that have a particularly bad reputation because they cause significant spikes in New Orleans crime rate include Desire and Florida—parts of these two areas have crime statistics worse than almost anywhere else in the United States—as well as Viavant-Venetian Isles, Fischer Dev, Tulane-Gravier, West Lake

What are the dangerous areas of New Orleans?

Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In New Orleans, LACentral City. Population 13,536. 121 % Saint Roch. Population 6,398. 112 % Seventh Ward. Population 10,552. 112 % Population 1,427. 105 % Saint Claude. Population 6,562. Pines Village. Population 3,187. West Lake Forest. Population 4,260. Lower 9th Ward. Population 3,636.More items

Is it safe to walk around New Orleans at night?

There are a couple of places where you have to use common sense, but the Quarter is just fine, and even Bourbon Street at night is non-threatening. Pberney--Dont let all the stories spook you. Use common sense and be aware of your surroundings, and if you feel the need to take a cab take it. You should be fine!

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