Question: How many wives can a Saudi man have?

Polygamy is legal in Saudi Arabia, whereby a man may have up to four wives. However, a man is only allowed to take multiple wives if he can meet certain conditions under sharia law. For example, he must have the financial capacity to afford another marriage and provide for another wife and her family.

How common is polygamy in Saudi Arabia?

Half a million Saudi men are married to more than one wife; 73,000 of them between the ages of 25 to 49, 411, 000 between 50-54 and 16,000 between 60 and 64. Second wives tend to be foreign women and polygamy is 14% in Al Baha and 0.31% in the East. Also, polygamy is also still popular amongst resident expat men.

Who has the most wives in Saudi Arabia?

By Hasan Jamali, AP.USFAN, Saudi Arabia (AP) — In 50 years, he says, he has married 58 women and has forgotten the names of most of them. Saleh al-Sayeri, a 64-year-old shepherd-turned-businessman, says his marital adventures have cost him more than $1.6 million in wedding expenses and settlements for divorced wives.More items

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