Question: What is the message of friendship?

Well stick together until we last. We promise to be there for each other. That is because were friends forever. I dont regret the things I have done and the thing I didnt do, for somewhere along the way, I must have done something right because I ended up with a friend like you.

What is friendship explain?

Friendship, a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a persons life span.

What is the most important quality of friendship?

Traits of Integrity Trustworthiness is comprised of several components, including honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each is important to successful relationships, honesty and dependability have been identified as the most vital in the realm of friendships.

How do you make someone feel positive?

7 Exceptionally Easy Ways to Make Someones DayFeel good around other people. Pretend people love you. Stop worrying about everyone. Advise people not to trust you. Get someone else to help. Gossip positively. Help a loved one play hooky.

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