Question: Do doctors cheat on their spouse?

Over 600 medical professionals have confessed their reasons for cheating, in a study conducted by An extra-marital dating site in the UK has compiled a Top Ten of the main reasons medical professionals choose to have extra-marital affairs.

What percentage of doctors cheat on their spouse?

But better than three of four married physicians and those living with a mate are satisfied. Doctors overall high rates of satisfaction correlate with a drop in the rate of extramarital affairs. In this years survey, only 12 percent of respondents admit to having had an affair.

What profession has the highest rate of infidelity?

Professions Most Likely to Cheat Trades. The #1 profession for male infidelity are plumbers, electricians, etc. Medical professions. Entrepreneurs. Information technology. Retail and hospitality.26 May 2020

How likely is a spouse to cheat?

According to the Institute for Family Studies (IFS), about 20% of married men report cheating on their spouses. Men in all age groups from 30 to over 80 are more likely than women to be guilty of infidelity in a marriage. Married men report their highest rate of infidelity in their 70s.

How do I know if my wife is still cheating?

30 Subtle Signs Your Wife Is CheatingShe calls you by another name in bed. She doesnt want you to do the laundry. She doesnt post pictures of you anymore. Her phone is always on silent. Shes treating you more like a friend than a lover. Shes staying late at work—often. She changed her passwords.More items •Aug 3, 2018

Do nurses live longer?

In general, researchers have found that nurses are 39% more likely to live longer than the general population. We also carry a lower risk for heart disease, stroke and many forms of cancer in general.

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