Question: Who is Pisces best friend?

Most of all, the sign of the Fish is selfless and giving, and works best with friends who will be careful of their tender, vulnerable heart. Natural friends: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn – reliable, grounded and nurturing signs that provide Pisces with a stable foundation of trust.

What signs do Pisces not get along with?

13/13Pisces- Gemini, Libra & Sagittarius Another sign Pisces experiences the most difficulty coexisting with is Sagittarius. Sagittarius likes to socially philosophize, while Pisces tends to disguise their perspectives. This can lead to clashes, as one is more loquacious than the other.

Why Pisces are the best friends?

Pisces believe that honesty is one of the most vital ingredients of a good friendship, but they are also keen to avoid hurting anyones feelings. Fortunately, they are blessed with the ability to deliver home truths in a kind, loving way. Your Pisces friend will also know when to hold back.

What color is bad for Pisces?

Yellow really does wonders for them. Bright and violent shades are jarring to the delicate sensibilities of an evolved Piscean. White is an all-time favourite. The colour that does not go well with the Piscean mood is green.

Who do Pisces marry?

Out of all the signs in the zodiac, Pisces will truly feel like theyve met their soulmate with Scorpio. “These two go deep and can escape not just into fantasy, but also into the innermost parts of their psyches together,” Semos says.

What is Pisces lucky color?

Your Pisces lucky color is aquamarine or seafoam green. Pisces ruling planet is Neptune, a mysterious planet that was once mistaken for a blue fixed star centuries ago. Neptunes illusory, magical and psychic attributes earned its connection with you—an ever imaginative Piscean.

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