Question: What to do if your OkCupid phone number has changed?

Can you have two OkCupid accounts?

We do not allow joint accounts or couples accounts. If you want to use OkCupid with your partner for non-monogamous dating, thats cool! However, youll want to link accounts with your partner instead of having one joint account.

How do you know if you have been banned on OkCupid?

If BOOST button has been changed to read ADD PHOTO even though you have photo, then you have been shadow banned. It looks like you have functioning profile, but other users cant see you, and wont receive your messages.

How do I get rid of my OKCupid ban?

If you wish to appeal your ban, you may send us an email but our policy is to not tell people why they were banned. This is to protect the anonymity of the members who may have reported the account, as well as to allow our moderation team to focus on current reports and issues.

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