Question: When do antenatal classes start?

When to have antenatal classes You might be able to attend introductory classes on baby care early in pregnancy, but most antenatal classes start around 8 to 10 weeks before your baby is due, when youre around 30 to 32 weeks pregnant.

At what month should I start antenatal?

Its best to make the appointment when you think you may be pregnant or at around 6-8 weeks into your pregnancy. Your first appointment may be with a midwife, your GP or at a clinic or hospital — you can choose.

Are antenatal classes compulsory?

Though they arent compulsory, antenatal classes can help you and your partner to focus on your pregnancy, and prepare for labour and birth. If your classes also look at the first days and weeks with your new baby, youll be better prepared for the practicalities, and the highs and lows, of parenthood.

How many hours a day should a pregnant woman work?

Legally, pregnant women can continue to work the average 40 hours a week or the hours that they were working previously. However, a pregnant employee must only continue to work these hours if it is safe to do so, physically and emotionally.

Can I have a bath when pregnant?

Its fine to take baths while youre pregnant as long as the water isnt too hot. High temperatures, especially early in pregnancy, have been associated with increased risk of neural tube defects. Thats why saunas, steam baths, and body immersion in hot tubs are not recommended during pregnancy.

Can you hurt your baby by bending over?

Heavy lifting, standing for long periods of time, or bending a lot during pregnancy could increase your chances of miscarriage, preterm birth, or injury during pregnancy.

Are hot baths OK for pregnancy?

Hot baths are not safe during pregnancy. The main concern with taking a hot bath while youre pregnant is the risk of raising your body temperature. Staying in a hot tub or bath for more than 10 minutes can raise your body temperature higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

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