Question: Can you live with your boyfriend in Dubai?

TLDR version: Yes, there are unmarried couples living together in Dubai. In the UAE and Dubai, it is against Sharia law to live together, in the western sense, with someone you are not married to. You can only live together with a member of the opposite sex if you are married to them, or they are a family member.

Put differently, the ever dynamic city — in fact, the UAE as a whole — has updated its laws on this matter and, consequently, unmarried couples in UAE can now and henceforth live together and/or have consensual sex in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and the rest of the UAE without penalties, queries or fear of getting

Can unmarried couple live together Dubai?

Dubai and other emirates in the UAE are governed by Islamic laws known as Sharia laws which used forbid two unmarried people of opposite sex to live together for many years. The Tawajed Clause prohibited indeed two people from opposite sex to live together without being legally married.

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