Question: Is Hamburg safe?

Hamburg is generally a safe city and most visitors visit without encountering any problems. That said, Hamburg is also undeniably sleazy in parts. Red-light districts are found around the Hauptbahnhof and the Reeperbahn. Petty crime is rare but does occur in major tourist areas.

Is Hamburg a good place to live?

The Economist Intelligence Units annual ranking of the worlds most liveable cities pegged Germanys northern city of Hamburg as number ten, citing its healthcare, sense of stability, culture, education and infrastructure.

What is the crime rate in Hamburg Germany?

Crime rates in Hamburg, GermanyLevel of crime43.77ModerateProblem people using or dealing drugs54.40ModerateProblem property crimes such as vandalism and theft54.00ModerateProblem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery42.80ModerateProblem corruption and bribery35.51Low8 more rows

Is Hamburg rich?

With around 40,000 millionaires, the Hanseatic City of Hamburg is one of the richest cities in Germany.

How many billionaires are in Hamburg?

With around 40,000 millionaires, the Hanseatic City of Hamburg is one of the richest cities in Germany.

Is Hamburg Posh?

Neighbourhoods Eppendorf Richly pretty and pretty rich: one of the fanciest quarters of Hamburg is posh… but its also so much more.

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