Question: Can I date someone who is HIV-positive?

HIV passes from one person to another during sex through body fluids like semen, vaginal fluid, and anal mucus. But with the right precautions, you can have sex with almost no risk of passing the virus to your partner. One way to be safe is to take antiretroviral treatment (ART).

What is the normal CD4 percentage for a healthy person?

A CD4% of 12-15% is about the same as a count of under 200 cells/mm3. A CD4% of 29% is about the same as a count of over 500 cells/mm3, but there is a wider range for higher values. The average normal CD4 percentage for someone who is HIV negative is about 40%. The normal range is anywhere from about 25% to 65%.

What is a normal CD4 percentage?

A CD4% of 29% is about the same as a count of over 500 cells/mm3, but there is a wider range for higher values. The average normal CD4 percentage for someone who is HIV negative is about 40%. The normal range is anywhere from about 25% to 65%.

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