Question: What is a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat?

A semi-vegetarian diet (SVD), also called a flexitarian, is one that is centered on plant foods with the occasional inclusion of meat. Flexitarian is a portmanteau of the words flexible and vegetarian, signifying its followers less strict diet pattern when compared to (other) vegetarian pattern diets.

What do you call someone who rarely eats meat?

The definition of a vegetarian thats most widely accepted by fellow vegetarians is a person who eats no meat, fish, or poultry. A vegetarian consistently avoids all flesh foods, as well as byproducts of meat, fish, and poultry.

What do you call a vegetarian that eats chicken?

Also known as pollo-vegetarian, the pollotarian diet is considered to be a type of semi-vegetarianism, as some forms of animal meat are allowed. While the prefix “pollo” literally translates to “chicken” in Spanish, pollotarians generally eat all forms of poultry, including turkey and duck.

Can Flexitarians eat eggs?

Vegetarians eliminate meat and sometimes other animal foods, while vegans completely restrict meat, fish, eggs, dairy and all animal-derived food products. Since flexitarians eat animal products, theyre not considered vegetarians or vegans.

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