Question: What do Libras like about Geminis?

Gemini and Libra have an easy rapport since theyre genuinely curious about other people. Both have a light approach, which makes the relationship feel fresh. Gemini in Love wants to make you laugh, or see the world in a new way. Libra in Love has high standards and is ultra sensitive to the reflection of the lover.

Is Libra attracted to Gemini?

Although there are potential issues that would need to be addressed, Gemini and Libra make a compatible zodiac match. They have similar outlooks and approaches to life, they communicate well, and theyll have a lot of fun together.

What do Libras want most?

Libra is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life. These air signs are the aesthetes of the zodiac: Ruled by Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money, Libras adore high art, intellectualism, and connoisseurship.

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