Question: Should I be worried if my girlfriend is talking to another guy?

Jealousy and insecurity in a relationship are normal but to an extent. When your girlfriend talks to other guys, most will feel a bit jealous and wouldnt know what to do about it. But talking to other guys while in a relationship is normal.

How do you know if my girlfriend is attracted to another guy?

Here are seven signs your partner may be attracted to someone else — but hasnt acted on it, according to experts.Theyve Started Talking About Someone Else A Lot. They Seem A Bit Emotionally Detached. Their Routine Has Changed. Theyre Giving You Less Romantic Attention. Theyre Fixated On a Friends Relationship.More items •Dec 31, 2018

Why do I get jealous of my girlfriend talking to other guys?

1. She is trying to make you jealous. Sometimes talking to other guys is just a stunt that girlfriends pull off to gain your attention. They want you to pay more attention to them as you would do before.

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