Question: Why you should not have bariatric surgery?

Bariatric patients have more psychopathology than the general population even before surgery, and Goodpaster says they have higher rates of depression and past suicide attempts, which are a major risk factor for suicide.

Is bariatric surgery worth the risk?

A new study shows that many people will experience complications after surgery, but researchers say that its worth the risk as a last option. Stories about gastric bypass surgery, or stomach stapling, have made this procedure sound like a miracle.

Is 55 too old for bariatric surgery?

While age is often related to an increase in perioperative complications, bariatric surgery is a safe and feasible option for individuals over the age of 50. Older individuals may experience less weight loss and subsequent issues with vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, however the benefits often far outweigh the risks.

Can a 70 year old have bariatric surgery?

Conclusion: Bariatric surgery in carefully screened patients aged >70 years can be performed safely and can achieve modest improvement in co-morbidities.

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