Question: Is it OK to Friendzone a girl?

Is the Friendzone a bad thing?

Yes, we agree being friend-zoned is not the nicest thing to happen to anyone. It actually stings and hurts your egoistic being and you probably think youre never going to recuperate from the rejection. Trust us, if she really didnt want to be friends, she wouldnt have offered her friendship in the first place.

Can a guy friend zone a girl?

Its very rare. But , If a guy does so, the girl stops every deal with him. She suffers inside , but she barely expresses and exposes her pain. Girls are very strong by emotion , they break the friendship bond, doesnt matter how much it Pierces her.

How painful is Friendzone?

Theres no pain on this earth like the pain of getting friendzoned. Despite the apparent perfect match you two make, they just dont feel all romantical towards you, and as a consequence, theyve relegated you to the dreaded friendzone. Its like a breakup, but a thousand million times worse!

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