Question: How do I find a platonic partner?

How do you find a platonic relationship?

5 Platonic Dating Apps to Help You Find Your Next BFF5 Platonic Dating Apps to Help You Find Your Next BFF. True friendship might be one (right) swipe away. Meetup. Meetup might be the most prolific entry on this list. Bumble. I know what youre thinking. We3. Patook. Atleto.Aug 23, 2018

Can you have a platonic boyfriend?

Platonic love involves deep affection, but no romantic or sexual attraction. Its absolutely possible for people of any gender to maintain a friendship without sexual tension or attraction.

What does a platonic relationship look like?

A platonic love relationship is a platonic relationship with strong feelings of gratitude and fondness for each other. The two friends respect each other and look out for each other, but there is no sexual attraction or activity.

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