Question: Can a TA date a former student?

But it turns out that not all student/TA relationships are deemed inappropriate. However, when the situation does arise that a TA is dating his or her student while still teaching him or her, the relationship violates the universitys policy because the TA holds power over the students academic life.

Can I date a former TA?

For instance, if you and your TA really connect, are both of legal age and the attraction is consensual, it may be appropriate for you two to date after the class concludes. Sometimes these rules are different for professors than they are for RAs or TAs who are often students themselves, Masini says.

Can a college teacher date a former student?

As one graduate student put it, “Students should be treated by faculty as scholars, not as potential sexual partners.” And even though most other colleges and universities ban student-faculty dating where a supervisory relationships exists, virtually no institution requires professors to wait any length of time before

Is it weird to date your TA?

But it turns out that not all student/TA relationships are deemed inappropriate. However, when the situation does arise that a TA is dating his or her student while still teaching him or her, the relationship violates the universitys policy because the TA holds power over the students academic life.

Can you date a teachers assistant?

– Dont date a professor or teaching assistant who teaches your class. It would be unprofessional for the teacher to be instructing you in a class while being romantically involved. It could also cause tension if your relationship ends before the semester does.

Can you ask your TA out?

There are no special ways to ask a TA out. You simply do the same as you would for anyone else: You open your mouth, and you use the words “date,” “with me,” and if necessary, “only if you want to, of course.”

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