Question: Is there a Japanese tinder?

Tinder. Well known in the Western world, Tinder has made its way to Japan thanks to its intuitiveness. Swipe right if you like a person, left if youd rather pass.

Where do Yakuza hang out in Tokyo?

Kabuki-chō (歌舞伎町) is an entertainment and red-light district in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. Kabuki-chō is the location of many host and hostess clubs, love hotels, shops, restaurants, and nightclubs, and is often called the Sleepless Town (眠らない街).

What is a oiran girl?

Oiran (花魁) was a name given to a prostitute who was very popular and highly regarded, mostly for her beauty, in the brothels of Yoshiwara in Edo (Tokyo). A regular Yoshiwara prostitute was called a yuujo (遊女) which means “play woman.” (Other types of prostitutes had other names.)

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