Question: Which social media website is for social network?

LinkedIn is the most popular social media site for professional networking. The platform has over 700 million registered users, with about 300 million active each month.

Which social media sites belongs to social network?

Learn More About These Popular Social Media Sites1 – Facebook. This is easily the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most widely used. 2 – WhatsApp. 3- QQ. 4 – WeChat. 5 – QZone. 6 – Tumblr. 7 – Instagram. 8 – Twitter.More items

What is the website of social network?

Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media platforms to stay connected with friends, family, or peers. The most popular social networking sites in the U.S. include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Social media can help connect people and businesses and help promote brand awareness.

What is a social network website app?

Social Media Web App Platforms These platforms are apps that allow you to monitor and control multiple social media accounts. Social media web app platforms allow external access to native apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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