Question: What was Shakespeares last words?

Live in thy shame, but die not shame with thee! These words hereafter thy tormentors be! Convey me to my bed, then to my grave; Love they to live that love and honour have.

What were the last words that Shakespeare wrote?

Here is a list of the last words of Shakespearean characters.If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul. This is the chase: I am gone for ever. O, treachery! Caesar, now be still: He has killed me, mother. Caesar, thou art avenged. O, yet defend me, friends; I am but hurt. What should I stay.More items

What did Shakespeare do at the end of his life?

After a glittering career as an actor, playwright and theatre proprietor in London, Shakespeare retired in 1611 at the age of 47 to his home town of Stratford, where his wife and family had remained during all the years in which he had lived and worked in London.

What was Cleopatras last words?

I am dying, Egypt, dying. Mark Antony speaks these words to Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, as he lies dying in her arms in this historic-tragedy that sweeps across the world from Rome to the East.

What were Juliets dying words?

I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make die with a restorative.

What are Romeos last words?

Romeo opens the crypt and is shattered as he finds what he believes to be the corpse of his beloved. His final words, as he consumes a lethal drug, are as follows: Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide!

Did Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet by himself?

Although there is no record of when Shakespeare actually wrote Romeo and Juliet, it was first performed in 1594 or 1595. It is likely that Shakespeare wrote the play shortly before its premiere performance. But while Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeares most famous plays, the storyline is not entirely his own.

What did Romeo say when he died?

Romeo opens the crypt and is shattered as he finds what he believes to be the corpse of his beloved. His final words, as he consumes a lethal drug, are as follows: Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! Thy drugs are quick.

Was Shakespeare a billionaire?

Shakespeare was not poor, but he was not wealthy either. In his middle age, he was comfortably well off. He was able to purchase the second largest house in Stratford in 1597, and also owned property in London.

When did Shakespeare say I was born?

April 23, 1564 According to tradition, the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564.

Where is Elvis Presley buried?

Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee, United States Elvis Presley/Place of burial He is buried in the Meditation Garden at Graceland mansion at 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard in Memphis, Tennessee. Graceland was Elvis home from 1957 until his death in 1977; it opened as a museum in 1982.

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