Question: What is the most common culture in Peru?

Peruvian Culture The Quechua and the Aymara are the two main native cultures of Peru, both of whom speak their native languages. These Inca descendants have successfully preserved and developed their proud cultures despite the creeping in of globalization.

What are some cultural traditions in Peru?

Here are some of the customs only Peruvians know.Drinking Inca Cola with Everything. Eating Ceviche Before Meals. Home Remedies. Nothing Begins on Time. People Dont Always Follow Through. Love for Chicha. No Change.9 Aug 2017

What is important to Peruvian culture?

Peruvian culture is a lively mix of Hispanic and native traditions. The Quechua and the Aymara are the two main native groups of Peru, and both speak their native languages in addition to Spanish. Many Peruvians have Incan ancestry as well.

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