Question: What are girls from Ecuador like?

Ecuadorian girls are highly spirited, they love to chit-chat, and always have something to talk about during a conversation, making you long to be with them even more. Although Ecuadorian girls are smart and intelligent, they may not be as highly educated as Russian girls or other western ladies.

Are Ecuadorian people friendly?

Ecuadorians are generally nice and hospitable to visitors and tourists, but that wont keep them from making fun when they see gringos trekking the Amazon in a thick poncho or hiking a volcano in flip-flops.

What are people like from Ecuador?

Although close to half live beneath the poverty level, most people you meet are happy and generous. The people of Ecuador seem happy that others appreciate the beauty of their country as much as they do.

What are families like in Ecuador?

Families are close-knit and enjoy most activities together, like daytrips to the mountains or to the beach. Brothers and sisters attend social events together. Ecuadorians are very protective of their children; children are expected to show respect for their parents and elders.

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