Question: Whats the most expensive arrowhead?

The most expensive arrowhead ever sold went for $276,000. It was both prehistoric and made of green obsidian, a rare stone. Very ancient arrowheads are rare, with the famous Clovis points being the most sought-after and valuable rare arrowheads.

How can you tell if its an arrowhead?

Examine the surface of the arrowhead. Authentic arrowheads feature flake scars where pieces of the rock were hit away. These scars are normally curved; however, if the arrowhead is very old, these scars may be smoothed over. If this is the case, examine the surface of the arrowhead with a magnifying glass.

Are arrowheads bad luck?

Stone arrowheads were sometimes associated with elves and faeries. Arrowheads were more likely to be seen as good luck than bad luck, including in Europe and Britain, but they are unlucky according to some traditions. Since they were weapons of war, some people associated them with evil.

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