Question: Are there more women than men in Estonia?

The difference in the number of men and women in Estonia has gradually decreased over the past seven decades, but in 2020, there are still 70,000 more females than males, in a population of 1.3 million people; this equates to total shares of roughly 53 percent and 47 percent of the total population respectively.

Are there more men or women in Estonia?

Estonia Population clock (live)1,319,463Current population616,623Current male population (46.7%)702,840Current female population (53.3%)9,908Births year to date28Births today6 more rows

What is the ratio of men to women in Estonia?

90.03 males per 100 females Estonia - Male to female ratio of the total population In 2020, male to female ratio for Estonia was 90.03 males per 100 females.

Which cities have more females than males?

New York City has more than 200,000 more single women than men; Atlanta 95,000 more; Washington, D.C. 63,000 more; Philadelphia nearly 60,000 more.

What is the climate like in Estonia?

The Estonian climate is temperate and mild, characterised by warm summers and fairly severe winters. The weather is often breezy and humid due to the proximity of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, Estonia has more than 1,500 charming islands: the largest are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhu.

Is Estonia hot or cold?

Summers are mild, warmer in south and east Estonia, colder on the islands. On some days temperatures can reach up to 30-35°C, but they are usually near 20°C. The warmest month is July, but the maximum air temperature record was recorded in August at 35,6°C.

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