Question: What should you not say in Ireland?

What words do Irish people struggle to say?

20 words Irish people mispronounce… and how to say them correctly1 – Arctic.Wrong way: Ar-tic.Right way: Arc-tic.2 – Specifically.Wrong way – pac-if-ic-ally.Right way – spec-if-ic-ally.3 – Film.Wrong way: fill-um.More items •6 Aug 2021

What are some bad things about Ireland?

Heres 21 reasons why Ireland is undoubtedly the worst country in the world.There are no nice views anywhere on the island. Theres no good restaurants. The nightlife is terrible. No big act ever has a concert here. Theres no wildlife. Our soccer team cant beat the best countries. It has no history.More items •4 Aug 2020

Why cant Irish say th?

1) The Irish pronounce the th in thinker like the t in tinker. This is generally untrue. In northern Ireland the ambi-dental fricatives of more standard English are found so that thanks is [θæŋks]. This fricative is sometimes found as a spelling pronunciation with southern speakers in word-final position.

Can Irish people not pronounce th?

1) The Irish pronounce the th in thinker like the t in tinker. This is generally untrue. In northern Ireland the ambi-dental fricatives of more standard English are found so that thanks is [θæŋks]. This fricative is sometimes found as a spelling pronunciation with southern speakers in word-final position.

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