Question: How old is Jasmine from Cagayan de Oro?

Is Cagayan de Oro a rich city?

Cagayan De Oro City. Albeit in the northern part of Mindanao, Cagayan De Oro City rounds up the 2017 top 10 richest cities in the Philippines with its Php4. 670-billion revenue.

Is Cagayan de Oro poor?

Meanwhile, Cagayan de Oro City, according to Felongco, has 15.2 percent poverty incidence in 2018, which is lower than the national poverty incidence. Felonco said there is still the 15.2 percent poverty incidence in the city due to migrants and the problem in resettlement.

How did Cagayan de Oro got its name?

The name Cagayan de Oro (lit. River of Gold) can be traced back to the arrival of the Spanish Augustinian Recollect friars in 1622, the area around Himologan (now Huluga), was already known as Cagayán. It was then former Vice President of the Philippines Emmanuel Peláez who appended de Oro to Cagayan.

When was Cagayan de Oro became a city?

June 15, 1950 2 Cagayan de Oro became a chartered city on June 15, 1950 during the presidency of President E. Quirino.

Why is Cagayan de Oro city of Golden Friendship?

Cagayan de Oro is also called the City of Golden Friendship because of the warm welcoming smiles and the utmost hospitality of the locals. There are many things to do and experience in this city, such as the popular white water rafting and the countrys biggest waterpark: Seven Seas Waterpark and Resort.

What is a Golden Friendship?

A golden friendship is therefore a metaphor using golden in a non-literal sense to attach the positive attributes we associate with gold to the friendship in question.

Is the golden friend good?

It is a golden Machine Gun with enhancements that shoots like a machine gun. It has somewhat decent mobility and has a high rate of fire, just like the Machine Gun but deals incredible damage even for higher leveled players, and has a fair capacity for the type of weapon it is.

What figure of speech is golden voice?

These terms are subjective & figurative. Golden Voice refers to a person with a beautiful voice like a singer and/or a radio voice. Silver Tongue refers to someone who is very skilled in a conversation.

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