Question: Whose number is1 800 799 7233?

A Hotline for Domestic Violence Victims - 1-800-799-7233.

What happens when you call 800 799 7233?

Because “1-800-799-7233” was named after the National Domestic Violence Hotline in the US. The move was apparently inspired by rapper Logic, whose song 1-800-273-8255 is named after the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The episode focused on character Jo, whose ex-husband appears at the hospital to confront her.

Does Marie Cerone steal Merediths idea?

In the end Meredith rightfully decides not to give Marie what she wants, telling her she can give her any amount of money but she cannot undo her mothers legacy. In response, Marie promises to dedicate her company to stealing Merediths idea and that the mini livers will be known as the Cerone Method.

Does Cristina Yang have the baby?

It appears Cristina is not pregnant and the baby is just a figment of her imagination. Though it was Jo and Stephanie who found the baby, Cristina takes over from them and names the baby Oscar. When Cristina first became pregnant after a sexual encounter with Burke, she did not seem too attached to her pregnancy.

Who hacked the hospital Greys?

Tim Ruggles is an IT tech at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

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