Question: Is RSVP safe?

RSVP offers members a safe and secure environment for singles predominantly looking for relationships. The site appears to have a high proportion of active paid members, a further indication that members are serious and genuine about meeting others if they are willing to commit money to the cause.

How do you respond to RSVP?

Hi [Name], Thank you for your invitation to [event] on [date]. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the event. I appreciate your invitation and hope to have the opportunity to attend next year.

Whats RSVP stand for in English?

répondez sil vous plaît comes from the French phrase répondez sil vous plaît, which means please reply.

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Chargois- Peed street no. 12, 74430 Banjul, Gambia

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Jahsiah Jeansimon
+29 900 207 989
Mon - Fri, 7:00-18:00

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