Question: What is considered tough love?

Tough love is the act of treating a person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run.

What is a tough love?

: love or affectionate concern expressed in a stern or unsentimental manner (as through discipline) especially to promote responsible behavior.

What is disingenuous person?

Its base word ingenuous (derived from a Latin adjective meaning native or freeborn) can describe someone who, like a child, is innocent or lacking guile or craftiness. English speakers began frequently joining the negative prefix dis- with ingenuous to create disingenuous during the 17th century.

What does acting hard mean?

Acting tough is all about developing an attitude and a persona that says, “Look at how great I am.” But often, that tough exterior is meant to hide self-doubt. Mentally strong people invest more energy into working on their weaknesses, rather than trying to cover them up.

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