Question: What is the law on teacher student relationships?

The relationship is legally permissible if the educator and student were married when the sexual relationship occurred. It is also acceptable if the relationship began before the acceptance of employment and the age disparity between the educator and student is no more than three years.

Is it against the law for a teacher to have a relationship with a student?

Lets Be Clear On Sexual Relations Between Teachers And Students Over 16. Its not OK. The law is crystal clear on this issue. Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, any sexual relationship between someone who is in a position of trust, such as a teacher and a person to whom that trust extends, is criminal[1].

Despite the legal definition of an adult as someone “18 and older,” state courts have held that sexual relationships between students and teachers are against the law. In April 2012, California lawmakers rejected Assembly Bill 1861, a bill that would have made it a felony for teachers to date their students.

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