Question: What is a relative age example?

For example, the grains within a sedimentary rock are older than the rock; a fragment of sandstone incorporated within a mudstone is older than the mudstone; a fossil bone found in a limestone is older than the limestone.

Why is relative age important?

Relative dating doesnt really give us an actual age, but it does put things in sequential order. This allows geologists to determine the age of a rock or strata relative to another rock or strata. So, instead of saying when something happened, it puts events in the order they happened.

How is relative used in a sentence?

Examples of relative in a Sentence He inherited a small piece of land from a distant relative. The donkey is a relative of the horse. Adjective the relative value of two houses the relative positions of the islands We discussed the relative merits of each school.

What are relative words?

Relative words are nonspecific descriptive words which only have meaning in relation to something else. Here are examples of relative words that can create a great deal of confusion: Cheap. High quality. Large.

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