Question: Is it legal to have Indian arrowheads?

Generally, it is legal to own and display an Indian artifact collection. It is illegal to display any portion of the skeleton of an Indian (OCGA 31-21-45[a]) and it is illegal to buy, sell and trade, import, or export Indian burial, sacred, or cultural objects (OCGA 12-3-622[a]). Is it illegal to own skeletal remains?

Can you keep Indian arrowheads?

It is illegal and unethical to collect artifacts on public lands. Artifacts include anything made or used by humans including arrowheads and flakes, pottery, basketry, rock art, bottles, coins, metal pieces, and even old cans. Collecting artifacts disrupts the archaeological record.

Can I sell Indian artifacts?

Q: Is it legal to buy and sell Native American artifacts? A: Yes, as long as the items were found in accordance with state and federal laws, they are completely legal to buy, sell, and trade.

Are Indian artifacts worth money?

While many small stone tools sell for under $50 on auction sites, authenticated, valuable Indian artifacts can be worth much more. A six-inch-long authenticated Clovis stone point sold for about $1,750 in mid-2020.

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