Question: Do girls like short guys?

The literature has widely established that women prefer tall men to short men. Stulp and colleagues (2013), for example, found that among 650 heterosexual college students, women generally preferred taller men and didnt want to be in a relationship with a man shorter than they were.

Can short dudes be attractive?

Short men are like fat women – right? Some of them can be cute but theyre less dateable than their more physically gifted counterparts. No. Being 6ft doesnt automatically make you sexy and, in fact, short men have the edge over their gangly giant counterparts in many ways.

Is being 5 11 tall?

In general, once a man reaches 5 feet 11 inches or higher, they are considered tall in the United States. This means if the man is: 5 feet 11 inches or taller, they are considered tall. 5 feet 7 inches or smaller, they are considered short.

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