Question: Why are Scorpios so attracted to Taurus?

There is a high level of trust between Taurus and Scorpio. Part of this is due to the slow and steady nature in which the relationship grows. Both signs are highly loyal. Additionally, the bull and arachnid are extremely protective.

Are Scorpio and Taurus a good match?

Taurus and Scorpio differ from other opposite sign couples because they both have strong personalities. They both love hard, are set in their ways, and neither will back down from a fight. So when their relationship is good, its really good. “Their relationship can be volatile, hostile, and emotionally draining,” Dr.

Why are Taurus and Scorpio not compatible?

When Scorpio gives the evil eye, Taurus doesnt back down. Both can be stubborn and fixed in their stance, but in their refusal to yield, a strong bond is formed across that divide. Things go wrong when neither is willing to compromise, and the arguments grow more fierce and entrenched.

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