Question: Why are there so many Lebanese in Australia?

19th-century migration In the 1890s, there were increasing numbers of Lebanese immigrants to Australia, part of the mass emigration from the area of the Lebanon that would become the modern Lebanese state, and also from the Anti-Lebanon mountains region of what would become Syria.

What did Lebanese bring to Australia?

At the turn of the 20th century many Lebanese had settled in and around the Sydney suburbs of Redfern, Waterloo and Surry Hills. Some established retail and warehousing businesses and factories which prospered and provided employment for the newly arrived. Churches and other places of worship soon followed.

How many Lebanese live in Australia?

The latest Census in 2016 recorded 78,653 Lebanon-born people in Australia, an increase of 2.9 per cent from the 2011 Census. There have been three main waves of Lebanese migration to Australia: from around 1880 to 1947; from 1947 to 1975; and after 1975. The first Lebanese migrant landed in Australia in 1876.

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