Question: Are engineers attractive?

In the category of boyfriends, software engineers topped the category. 61% girls said that software engineers are most attractive and hot boyfriends.

Which male engineers are more attractive?

Question: Which male engineers do you find more attractive as a husband? Almost 50% women voted for mechanical engineers to be the most attractive husbands among other engineers. So mechanical engineers are most favourite among girls as a husband. They find them more trustworthy, intelligent, and creative.

Do engineers make good lovers?

Engineers make good partners because they are committed. Engineers, on the whole, tend to prefer to commit to longer and meaningful relationships than waste their time on flings. Quality over quantity you could say, but its more likely to be about practicality if we are honest.

Do pilots marry?

Pilots have a unique profession and being married to them is very different from being married to someone with a predictable standard 8-5 desk job. If you do end up marrying a pilot, consider adding some airline decor to your home. Check out our fine selection of High Flying Models, perfect for any aviation family.

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