Question: Is Takamine G Series solid wood?

For players seeking a different sound. 20 Series instruments feature classic Takamine body styles and solid cedar tops that produce a warm, detailed acoustic sound that works beautifully for a wide range of styles.

What wood does Takamine use?

Red cedar is a top wood that Takamine chooses for many guitars in the product line, such as the P3NC. Cedar is a softer, lighter wood than Sitka spruce (used in many acoustic guitar tops) and requires less energy to get moving.

What are Takamine guitars made of?

Both guitars are identical in construction featuring fine grained cedar top and cypress back and sides. Takamine manufactured its highest quality and most expensive guitars at its Sakashita factory in Japan.

Is Cedar louder than spruce?

Cedar is more easily overdriven. It is IMO not louder than spruce under any circumstances, but has a VERY different pattern of warmth and overtones.

Does Okoume sound like mahogany?

This wood is softer, and leans toward the warmer side of the classic mahogany tone. Because it is softer, okoume often is used as a laminate, giving it additional rigidity. All of these woods are great tonewoods that speak with that unmistakable mahogany accent, and have that gorgeous warm mahogany look.

Is cedar better than spruce?

Cedar tends to be a less hard wood than spruce and gives, generally speaking, a quieter projection but more character, losing clarity when strummed hard; consequently, it tends to be favoured by finger pickers (hence its use in classical guitars!).

Is cedar a good wood for guitars?

Traditionally used on classical guitars, cedar is becoming increasingly common in steel-string instruments. Its a less dense wood than spruce, providing you with a slightly darker tone. Cedar tends to produce slightly richer overtones, and this results in a tone with less sparkle but more character.

Is okoume better than mahogany?

This wood is softer, and leans toward the warmer side of the classic mahogany tone. Because it is softer, okoume often is used as a laminate, giving it additional rigidity. All of these woods are great tonewoods that speak with that unmistakable mahogany accent, and have that gorgeous warm mahogany look.

Is okoume African mahogany?

This is the commercial name for timber that comes from the tree Aucoumea klaineana, an African hardwood also known as “Gaboon” or alternately “Angouma.” It has been widely used throughout Europe over the past century.

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