Question: How long does it take to get a date on curves?

How do you find the incubation period of an epidemic curve?

Identify the peak of the outbreak, which is the time period then the largest number of cases occurred. Count back from the peak, the average incubation period for disease. Note that date. Identify the earliest case in the outbreak and count back the minimum incubation period.

What is the average incubation period for COVID-19?

According to the CDC, the incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to extend to 14 days..On average, symptoms show up in the newly infected person about 5 days after contact. Rarely, symptoms appear as soon as 2 days after exposure.

What is maximum incubation period?

In the case of COVID-19 infection, a maximum incubation period as 14 days has been widely accepted by WHO, national health ministries and other public health actors, and has been recommended as a duration of self-quarantine after the contact with infected person or after the return from epidemic areas.

Whats the longest incubation period for COVID-19?

According to the CDC, the incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to extend to 14 days..On average, symptoms show up in the newly infected person about 5 days after contact. Rarely, symptoms appear as soon as 2 days after exposure.

What is the true incubation period for Covid?

The authors estimated the median incubation period to be 5.1 days (95% confidence interval, 4.5-5.8 days); 97.5% of people who were infected exhibited symptoms by 11.5 days (95% confidence interval, 8.2-15.6 days). Similar results were obtained in analysis looking only at fever onset.

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