Question: Are there Christian dating sites in New Zealand?

What is the highest paid job in NZ?

The highest-paying job in New Zealand is that of CEO or Managing Director. They earn, on the low end, around NZ$120,000 per year and, on average, around NZ$560,000 per year .What Is the #1 Highest-Paid Position in New Zealand?PositionAverage Annual SalaryCEONZ$560,000JudgeNZ$413,000Radiation OncologistNZ$387,50017 more rows

What jobs are in demand in New Zealand?

Top 20 most-needed jobs in New ZealandMost-needed jobsCurrent rankChange since FebNursing-All roles1+4Administrative Assistants2-1Warehousing, Storage & Distribution30Developers / Programmers4016 more rows

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