Question: Would you date someone with a terminal illness?

Theres many sites that you can actually meet someone with the same illness. Its actually very easy these days.” But its not all bad news for people dating with a terminal illness. Lea says it can be a shortcut to intimacy, even if it ends up being short-lived.

How long will someone with a terminal illness live?

How long will someone with a terminal illness live? People with a terminal illness may live for days, weeks, months or sometimes years. It can be difficult for doctors to predict how long someone will live for. This can depend on their diagnosis and any treatments they may be receiving.

How can you be happy with a terminal illness?

Here are 10 practical tasks to help you deal with a terminal illness regarding the many issues that arise after learning your remaining time is limited.Empower Yourself Through Knowledge. Forgive Yourself in Advance. Set Your Priorities. Plan for a Good Death Talk Openly About It. Establish a Practical Support Network.More items •Feb 20, 2020

What is it like to be diagnosed with terminal illness?

Its normal to feel shock, sadness, anger and helplessness. But for some people, the feeling theyre unable to cope with their situation does not go away, and they feel too low to be able to do any of the things they want to. If this happens to you and these feelings persist, it may be helpful to talk to a doctor.

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