Question: What to do after a breakup on social media?

What should I post on social media after a break up?

Stop taking your ex into account when handling social media after a breakup. They lost the right to have an opinion when you broke up. Dont post anything in anger, drag someone publicly, or post a picture with someone new soon after a breakup as revenge. Regardless of what they did or said, keep your karma clean.

Should you disappear from social media after a breakup?

If the relationship is over, the ease of communication only prolongs the frustration and hurt. If the relationship is over, the ease of communication only prolongs the frustration and hurt, she says. Disconnect from your past as it will only keep you there and prevent you from moving forward.

Should I post a selfie after a breakup?

Posting a picture or a status that you know is going to hurt your former lover is just plain harsh. As tempting as it can be in the midst of horrible emotions, its something that will shape how this breakup will play out. Once one of you does this kind of play after a breakup, it can be game-on.

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