Question: Is there a market for old sewing machines?

Your best bets are eBay, Craigslist, and antique shops. Then you can go to sewing repair shops to see if they want the machine for parts or resale. Pawnshops will work if the machine is over 100 years old and still works. It is going to take a lot of patience when selling your sewing machine.

Do people collect antique sewing machines?

A machine which has historical value will always be of interest to some collectors, but there are also those who focus on machines with decorative and/or utilitarian value. Some collectors limit their collection to a given manufacturer; in the United States, Singer is unquestionably the most-often collected brand.

How much is an old sewing table worth?

If the antique sewing table is in good shape, it can be worth between $100 and $500.

How much is my white sewing machine worth?

How Much Is a White Sewing Machine Worth? White sewing machine values range from under $100 to over $1000.

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