Question: What color should stoma sites be?

A normal stoma is moist and pink or red colored. When you first see your colostomy, it may appear dark red and swollen, with bruises. Dont worry. Within a few weeks, the color will lighten and bruises should disappear.

What color should my stoma be?

Generally, a stoma will be pink and moist (like the inside of our mouths). A stoma will initially be swollen after the operation but this will reduce after 6-8 weeks. There are no nerves in a stoma so there are no sensations when touching it.

What does a healthy colostomy stoma look like?

A healthy stoma is pinkish-red and moist. Your stoma should stick out slightly from your skin. It is normal to see a little mucus. Spots of blood or a small amount of bleeding from your stoma is normal.

What does an abnormal colostomy stoma look like?

A bulge in the skin around your stoma. Skin color changes from normal pink or red to pale, bluish purple, or black. A rash around the stoma that is red, or red with bumps – this may be due to a skin infection or sensitivity, or even leakage.

What do you look out for when doing a stoma care?

Stoma CareWash your skin with warm water and dry it well before you attach the pouch.Avoid skin care products that contain alcohol. These can make your skin too dry.Do not use products that contain oil on the skin around your stoma. Use fewer, special skin care products to make skin problems less likely.11 Apr 2020

Can you gain weight with a stoma?

Not everybody loses weight when they have a stoma Although unwanted weight loss is a common problem before and immediately following surgery, long-term many people find that they gain too much weight and decide to cut down.

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