Question: Is it possible to host a foreign exchange student?

Hosting a foreign exchange student is something almost any family can do. There is no traditional model of a host family, as they come in all different forms and backgrounds.

Does it cost to host a foreign exchange student?

How much does it cost to host an exchange student? There is no charge. The only expenses for your family will be the costs of including another person in your regular activities, including three meals a day.

How do I house a foreign exchange student?

How Do I Become a Host Family?Contact Us. Complete our host family interest form to receive more information, connect with a local ISE representative, and meet exchange students who are awaiting a host family in your area. Complete Your Host Family Application. Choose Your Exchange Student.

Should I host an exchange student?

By hosting an exchange student from another part of the world, you promote friendship, understanding, and cooperation. These exchanges allow us to better understand our differences and appreciate our similarities. This is one of the most important lessons we can learn and teach through cultural exchange.

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Jahsiah Jeansimon
+29 900 207 989
Mon - Fri, 7:00-18:00

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