Question: How do you respond when a guy asks you out on a date?

What does it mean when a guy asks you out on a date?

The good. If hes put a lot of thought into the way he asks you out on a date and actually made some sort of plan, its a good indication of how strong his feelings are. Its also evidence of the time and effort hes willing to invest into winning you over.

What to say to someone who asked you out?

Just say no.Dont make excuses. You dont need to lie. Unless its true, dont tell him that youre in a relationship. Be straight forward, and polite. Say something like, “You seem like a nice guy, but I just dont like you that way. Keep it short. You dont need to give a long-winded rejection just to seem nice.

How do you respond to someone interested in you?

How do you respond to someone interested in you?Whether or not you like the person, your initial reply must always be “Thank you.”If you like the person, then theres no reason not to say, “I like you too.”And if you feel otherwise, you may reply by texting, “I dont think of you that way.”1 May 2021

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